
Sunday, 4 December 2011

Best Hairstyles For A Long Face

If you have along face, you need a hairstyle that will make the face appear wider and at the same time add some body to the head. The following tips will guide you to picking the best hairstyle for your face :
  • Avoid long straight hair styles as the only make your face appear slimmer and longer. Such hair styles also make your head appear smaller and with very little body.
  • Go for bumpy, curly hair styles to make your head much bigger and to add body at the back. You can also go for weaves and wigs with curls or waves.
  • You can go for bob styles with a length not more than your cheekbones. This will also serve the purpose of adding body to the back side of your head and to widen your face. Long bob styles with more body can also be used on a long face.
  • If your forehead is long, go for hair styles that will cover a bit of the forehead so that it appears shorter and balances with the rest of the face.
  • Balance the weight of your hair with the size of your head; if your head is small, do not use weaves with too much body as it might end up looking unproportional.
  • Pony tails clipped high on the head might make a long face appear longer because they expose more of the face without making it appear wider and without adding body to the head. When clipping your hair to the back, you can use large clips that will make your head look bigger or clip the hair on the back instead of the middle of the head. 
  • Bumpy/ curly styles
    Short bob cut
    cover part of your forehead

Friday, 2 December 2011

How To Wear White Make Up

White make up is very outstanding and requires a lot of care when applying. You can use white mascara or eye-shadow to achieve a smoky hot look but you have to also consider all other aspects of your dressing and accessories. Follow the tips below :
White and black make up
  • White make up looks best on a smooth skin. Make use of foundation to smoothen your skin if it is rough before applying the white make up.
  • If you have small eyes, white mascara or eye-liner make your eyes appear larger. people with large eyes should use as little white around their eyes as possible to avoid enlarging their eyes further.
  • You can add some glitter to your white eye shadow to make it more lively. Silver glitter is especially great when you want to achieve a more metallic look. 
  • If you wear eyeglasses, avoid glittery white make up as it will tend to compete with the shiny surface of your eyeglasses. Eyeglasses for long sighted people also have a magnifying effect on your eyes and will automatically make your white make up more visible; use less make up with such eyeglasses. Short sighted people can use some more white make up around their eyes because their lenses have a diminishing effect on their eyes.
  • White make up tends to go with cool coloured accessories such as silver, white, sky blue and icy colors. You can also wear white make up with grey and black accessories because they are neutral.
  • Darker skinned people can do a mix of white and black eye-shadow with the white being more than black. You can even do a gradient shadow starting with black from your eye-liner and gradually moving to white at your eyelids.
  • If you have a warm skin tone such as olive or tan, you can mix white make up with other warm colored make up like brown, bronze and pastel colors to avoid having too much contrast between your eyes and the rest of your face.

How To Look Good In Black Make Up

Black make up has the effect of making your eyes smaller and making your face less screaming. When wearing black make up you have to consider the clothes you will wear, their color scheme, the accessories you will be using and your facial features. Follow the guide below :
Black and green make up
  • If you have small eyes, avoid putting on too much black eye shadow around your eyes as it will only make them smaller. People with larger eyes can use black eyeshadow to reduce their size and balance with the rest of the face.
  • Black make up will go with almost all colors because it is neutral. Do no however wear it with very dull colors to avoid looking dull as well. Pale browns and pale blues should be worn with more caution when using black make up. Bright pinks and reds or other screaming colors like luminous greens can balanced well with black make up.
  • When wearing black make up with black clothes, you can break the monotony with some brighter jewelery or add some glitter to your make up. You can also wear sunglasses with a bright colored frame or with some glitter decorations. Alternatively, mix black eye shadow with eye liner of another color like blue, green or purple.
  • If you wear eyeglasses or are planning to wear sunglasses, be very careful with your mascara. Excess mascara might end up smudging on your lenses which is unattractive. Make sure also that your eye wear is well ventilated at the nose bridge because any sweating around your eyes spoils your make up or worse, the sweat will trickle down your face with a black color.Padded sunglasses prevent sweat from trickling down your face.
  • You can mix black make up with metallic make up to give more luster to your face. Bronze concealer and black eyeshadow would work out very well to give you a smooth metallic bronze finish.Remember to put the bronze under black.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Jennifer Lopez Body Suite 2011 AMA Awards

Jennifer Lopez rocked the stage in a brown body suite at the 2011 AMA awards . The glitter on the body suite are especially lovable and add to the glamor of the whole outfit. She finished it all with a golden ring and a bumpy curled hair do.
The out fit was almost nude and is close to the one Britney Spears had worn some times back.

Nicki Minaj Colourful Clothes At 2011 AMA Awards

Minaj will always get her attention at every event she attends because her dress code is one of a kind. This year at the America Music Awards she settled for a colorful bra and suite and some blue boots to go with her blue highlighted hair. Take a look at her photo below :
Nicki Minaj at AMA awards.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Best Colors For A White Skin

If you have a white skin color, there is a wide range of colors you can choose from to suite you skin tone.The color of your clothes should always work in such a way to compliment your white skin tone and improve your body features. Follow the tips below to help you choose the right colors for your skin:
Best Colors for a white skin.
  • White skins tend to have cool skin undertones and hence blend well with cool colors. Go for clothes with colors such as sky blue or ice green. Cool purples and yellows can also work.
  • Ice colors compliment a white skin tone more as compared to pastel colors. If you want to wear bright colors such as red and pink, choose ice red or ice pink or other ice colors. Pastel colors are to be avoided except when your white skin has tanned.
  •  If you want to wear white clothes, make sure you mix them with other colors to break the white monotony. If you have a lot of fat around your waist, you should avoid plain white clothes most as they tend to insist on the fat which can be unattractive.
  • If your skin is pale, avoid dull or very pale colors as they make you appear paler. Grey and silver for instance might not compliment your skin tone except in some clothe textures.White people with a pale skin should go for ice colors which give them a clean icy and sharp look.
  • Black looks good on almost any skin and tends to be the safest color when you are not sure which colors work best on you.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Justin Beiber In Purple

Beiber has a thing for purple and it works perfect for him. Hoods, shoes, bands and even sunglasses with the Justin Beiber logos are gaining popularity. His products are simply a must get for youngsters. Take a look at the photos below:

Purple Justin Beiber Bands.

Justin Beiber purple hood.

Justin Beiber in purple sunglasses.

Justin Beiber purple sweater

If you watched the Never Say Never Video you will see Justin Beiber in Purples sunglasses with the Beiber logo on them.
Never Say Never 3D movie

Friday, 21 October 2011

Best Colors For A Tanned Skin Tone.

Some people get tanned skin during summer while others have a natural skin color that looks tanned. A skin that tanned because of being too exposed to sunlight does not  return to normal within a short while and you might need to slightly adjust the colors you use for your make up and clothing temporarily. If you have a tan skin, the following suggestions can help you choose the right clothe colors to match your skin :
Best Colors for a tanned skin tone.
  • The color of your clothes should always compliment your skin tone. Tanned skin tends to fit in almost all color tones but looks better in warm colors with yellow undertones. Golden, brown and orange shades look great on a tanned skin.
  • You can also go for neutral colors like white and black which suite all skin colors.
  • White clothes look great on a tanned skin if you are slim and so should be avoided if you are plump as they tend to emphasize on your plump look.
  • If you have a dark tan skin, black blends greatly with your skin tone. Any shades of brown also look amazing on a dark tan skin.
  • Light green and yellow shades tend to emphasize on the tan and do a great job in complementing your skin tone.
  • Even if most colors look great on a tanned skin, avoid pale colors which tend to give you a pale boring look when not combined with other colors. Ice colors tend to give you a fresher and more attractive look as compared to pastel colors.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

How To Look Natural With Make-up On.

Look Natural With Make-up On.
A natural look even after make-up is desirable to every woman as compared to the plastic and sometimes cakey face we sometimes get from make up.To ensure a great natural look with make up on, follow the following tips :

Removing old make up :
Always clean and moisturize your skin before you go to bed : Remove all the make up  for the day by dabbing with a soft cloth wet with clean water or make up remover. After removing make up, rinse you face gently and dry by dabbing then moisturize with a natural moisturizer.
Picking foundation :

Foundation is the base of every make up. Choose foundation with a color that is most closest to your skin color so it blends completely with your color. Go for a wet foundation if you have a dry or mature skin. Cream- powder foundations re very good at covering up all the rough areas of your face. If you have relatively smooth skin with few imperfections, you can pick a fluid foundation which is light and quite translucent.See How to Prepare your skin for make-up.
Choosing the right concealer:
Go for a concealer that mutes imperfections without changing your natural skin tone. Yellow toned concealers are the best as they don't interfere with your kin color.
Keep make-up light :
Go as simple as you can with make up and if possible skip liner or shadow to avoid having too much bulk on your face.
Choose the right blush color :
Blush color should be as close to your skin color as possible to avoid making it too obvious that you have blushed your cheeks.
Keep your lips soft and glossy:
Apply lip pencil of your choice, and blend to make your lips appear softer and then coat with lip gloss. Lip gloss should be applied with a brush for a more glossy look.
Choose your brushes:
Always go for quality brushes with quality bristles for a better , smoother and more finished look after make up. the brushes should also be kept clean.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tips On How To Slow Down Ageing Of Skin.

Wrinkled skin is a dread for almost everyone and it has no advantage (not one I've heard of). Ageing cannot be avoided but can be slowed down to give you a look younger than your actual age. Consider the following tips :

  • Be gentle with your skin :Whether you are cleaning your face,applying make up or oiling,avoid being too rough. Use a soft cloth to clean and mild soap. When oiling,avoid applying too much pressure especially at the eye area. Oiling using your ring finger instead of your palm is a simple way to avoid too much pulling of your skin.
  • Have enough sleep : Experts say that enough sleep is healthy for your skin. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily to relax your eyes and avoid eye strain during the day. Eye strain causes you to keep raising your brows and frowning once in a while which will result in a prominent and permanent wrinkle on your forehead when prolonged.
  • Sleep in the right posture :You should lie in bed on your back instead of burying your face into the pillow. The constant pulling of your skin as you turn your head accelerates loosening and wrinkling. If you are unable to sleep on your back, use a soft silk pillow to minimise pulling of skin.
  • Avoid substances that add toxins to your body : Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided at all costs if you mind an aged look.They cause a lot of free radicals in the body which speed up ageing. Smoking also causes the skin around your lips to get ageing lines which are unattractive.
  • Quit all your bad drinking habits : If you are thirsty,go for pure water and not soda or juice. Water should also be taken regularly during the day even when you are not thirsty for re-hydration. Soda has a lot of phosphates which accelerate ageing. Intake of other drinks with a lot of caffeine such as coffee and tea should also be regulated.
  • Watch your diet : Go low on fatty processed foods and high on natural grains, vegetables and fruits to increase on your vitamins. On top of that you can also take vitamin tablets if you don't have enough vitamins in your body.
  • Minimise your exposure to the sun : Sun causes you to keep squinting and dehydrates your skin which are great ways of adding wrinkles to your face. If you can't avoid the sun, always have you sunglasses and sunscreen with you. Large wraparound sunglasses that cover most of the eye area are the best to keep off glare that causes eye strain.
  • Go for natural skin products such as moisturisers and cleansers. That is a sure way of safety from any unsuitable chemicals.
  • Massage and exfoliate your skin regularly: Exfoliation removes dead cells and unclog your pores which gives you a fresher look. It also allows for growth of new cells.
  • Do enough exercise :Exercise crowns all your efforts by managing your weight and helping your body to relax. With enough exorcise (at least three times a week) you will eliminate all the excess fats and toxins that clog your skin.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

How To Look Good On A Bad Hair Day.

You can actually have a bad hair day but no one will notice.There are simple hair styles that anyone can do and which save many souls the agony of a bad hair day.If today is your bad hair day,try the following :
Pony up :
A pony tail will never let you down if you have long hair.Make sure to clip it well or tie  with a beautiful ribbon.You can even include some beads on the ribbon or fix a beaded clip on the side to add more glamour.
Curl up :
Try curling your hair with rollers but don't make the curls too tight.After the curls you can set your hair in whichever cut suites you.You might also consider having a bumpy look enhanced with a flower.
Try a wig :
It's always good to have a fancy wig stand by.You just have to make sure you have fixed it well and tight.Make sure also that the wig is well combed and oiled if necessary.
Focus more on clothing and accessories :
If you jewellery,clothes and shoes are great,no one will notice your simple pony tail because all the attention will move downwards.
Try a cap or a head scarf :
This is actually the easiest way to go.No one will know what you are hiding underneath your cap/scarf.For scarfs,you can fix a beautiful flower on them.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Nicole Scherzinger Looking Great In Victoria Beckham Dresses.

Nicole Scherzinger seems to be so much in to Victoria Beckham dresses but the good thing about it is that she looks so chic and smashing in them.Take a look at the photos below :

Nicole Scherzinger in a In Victoria Beckham Dress
Nicole Scherzinger in a In Victoria Beckham Dresses

How To Dress for The Gym.

Besides the work out,being at the gym needs you to make an effort on your looks because you are not the only one there.When choosing your gym outfit remember the following tips :
  • You should be comfortable and confident at all costs.Don't pick clothes you are not okay with.When your confidence is down,you tend to avoid movements and your gym session becomes another boring place to be.
  • Pick clothes that allow good air circulation during the work out especially if you sweat a lot.Clothes made of cotton ,polyester, spandex, or with mesh ventilation panels are a good choice.Jeans and nylon clothes trap moisture in your body and cause discomfort.
  • Avoid baggy T-shirts and oversize shorts.They make you look too effortless and sometimes give the impression of you being a reckless person.Whether in shorts or trousers,go only for well fitting ones.
  • Invest in a well fitting sports bra.The gym is not a place to move gently;you do a lot of jumping around and moving from one machine to another.If your chest is not well supported you will find it uncomfortable to do your work out especially in the presence of many people- coz hey,they can't keep their eyes shut for your sake.
  • Tie your hair in a neat ponytail or a braid.You can add glamour to that by using a nice ribbon with clear beads or even you high school tie.Long hair should always be tied for a more comfortable work out.
  • Leave your jewellery in the changing room or at home.Things like rings,bangles and long chains will limit you when it comes to handling machines.Some rings and bangles can even cause you injury if they get entangled with the machines.Besides that,it is very uncomfortable when you are jumping or running and a chain keeps hitting your face.
  • Choose gym costumes with colours that are not easily stained.Grey and white T-shirts should be avoided especially by those who sweat a lot.It gives a very bad impression of you after the work out if you have yellow circles of sweat around your armpits.Blue and black shades are the safest to go by but if you are not much of the sweating type,you can opt for vibrant colours such as yellow,pink and green.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lady Gaga versus Nicki Minaj's Outfits At 2011 VMA Awards.

Think of outrageous outfit and think Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj.Whatever they were trying out for the VMA awards ,we don't know but it is expected from the two.They were certainly figures which could not be avoided by cameras.

This is how Nicki Minaj looked at the award ceremony :

Take a look at what Gaga wore :

If the tom boy look didn't shock you,you should take a look at how Gaga handled Britney spears on stage. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Hottest Shoes To Wear To A Party.

 Shoes are just too tempting - even when your feet are sore,you still want to look sexy in heels.Stilettos ,boots,gladiators,wedges...they never go out of fashion.Only the design changes and only the best survive.If you love partying in style,take a look at the shoes below :
Wedges will give you that chic look.They draw great attention especially if they have a unique writing or decor.Works well with shorts,short skirts and short dresses.Cropped jeans would also look cool with wedges.
High gladiators are good for the sexy party look. Work best with  short skirts,skinny jeans,bubble dresses and short dresses.

Flat gladiators give the relaxed and ready for a dance feel.They do great with shorts and short skirts.Short dresses would also work out well with them.
This heel makes you 'hot.'It works best if you are into short dresses.

Beyonce's Maternity Style.

Beyonce's finally pregnant and taking it the cool way.She doesn't shy away from the cameras or the public and her style,more than classy.Beyonce announced her pregnancy after saying (a few months ago) that she would consider getting pregnant after ten years- those ten years moved really fast but anyway take a look at the photos below:

Beyonce showing off baby bump in a Lanvin gown at VMA Awards.

    Beyonce rocking in a bubble look.

    At New York Fashion Week
Maybe you can take a few tips from Beyonce :
  • Try different colors and be as bright as possible.
  • Be very proud of your pregnant self and go for different styles.
  • Maybe you can start shopping from Lanvin because Beyonce looked great in their designs. 
See also:

How Should Pregnant Women Dress?

Cool Plus Size Maternity Clothes


Monday, 5 September 2011

How To Look Great In Jeans.

Jeans,jeans...they are almost in every wardrobe in the world.The only difference comes when they are worn because you will either get the 'who that girl' or 'oops!' look as you walk into the public light.There are various types of jeans trousers ranging from boot cut jeans,to low jeans to skin tight ones.When choosing the jeans to wear to wherever,first look at the mirror then the wardrobe.How a certain pair looks on someone else may not be how it will look on you.
Just for a guide.Take a look at these Jeans Guidelines :
Tall people :
Boot cut jeans.
If you are tall and slim,you should feel lucky.There is a wide range of jeans which can suite you but the best for your body are ones with a tapered leg as they tend to show off your figure.
Slouchy skinnies can also look great on you.
Plus Sized People :
control jeans fit perfect.
 Go for the dark washes instead of brightly coloured jeans.Classic boot cut jeans will flatter your figure great.
Cargo jeans should also work out well as they tend to make you look lighter.
Go also for jeans with a control-top waist (they raise tend to adjust your shape and as you adjust,they fit perfectly.)
Pear-Shaped people:
Go for high waisted jeans to show off your tiny waist and at the same time look taller.You can also try jeans with a slight flare to draw attention downwards.
Cropped jeans will also work miracles on your look.(Go for cute looking ones.)
Petite Shaped people :
High waist jeans.
Go for straight jeans to flatter and lengthen your figure.
You can also fit well in boot cut or  rinse jeans.
Skinny jeans.
Jeans tip :
Skinny jeans tend to to suite almost everyone if picked well.They bring out your shape best and flatter it without much effort.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The H&M Brand Profile

H&M has it's roots in Sweden where it started as a ladies clothing line called 'Hennes' but later extended its service to men and  children hence the name 'Hennes Mauritz', later abbreviated to H&M.
The company has over 2,300 stores in 41 countries has over 87,000 employees.(as per 2011.
Just a little bit of history:
H&M was established in 1948 by Erling Persson in Västerås, Sweden.

H&M is has been associated with many celebrities including Beyonce ,Katty Perry,and Rachel Bilson.

Ginnifer Goodwin in H&M
Katty Perry in H&M bikini

Monday, 22 August 2011

The ZARA Brand

The brand name ZARA is probably not a new word in your ears because it's a worldwide brand with branches in over 56 countries.This Spanish brand dresses men,women and children.It is also associated with big fashion icons such as Kate Middleton.
Just a sentence of history :ZARA belongs to the Spanish clothing giant Inditex Group's apparel brand and was founded in 1975.
ZARA's success has been greatly contributed by the fact that the brand spreads a message of fashionable and classy dressing at affordable prices.The brand has been accepted in many stores worldwide and has established over 2000 stores across the globe.
ZARA has recently launched an online fashion boutique which will begin in Spain, the UK, Portugal, Italy, Germany and France (which are the top ZARA shoppers) before spreading to other countries.
Go to ZARA website.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Getting The Right Wedding Dress For Your Body.

A day like your wedding has no business being dull or ridiculous because of the wedding gown you chose.That's why you need some guidelines on what to look out for when choosing 'the dress'.The first step is to know your body type and finally the different types of gowns.Tiaras and veils are a variety and go with the fabric or the design of your dress.

Body Type

A-line(straight with no waist line)

If you have an 'A' shape/carry weight at the center.They look best when made to flow.

Empire(waist starts right below the bust)

Best if you have a small bust.They tend to emphasise on your bust and make it appear bigger.

Ball gown(Cinderella type of dress)

It hides large hips.Suitable for most bodies.You can choose to have it strapped or strapless.You can also get away with a long sleeved one.

Mermaid(tight up to the knees then flows)

Suitable if you are confident with your body shape.They are very sexy.Work best for slim bodied women.These gowns are best if long and flowing and can make you appear taller.

Sheath(Has a slim shape that follows close to the body but not tight.Tends to make people taller)

Suitable for short ladies because they have a lengthening effect.They are best for people with well defined curves.

There are a variety of tiaras;you can have gold,silver or pearls.You can also choose to vary the colours from the cliché ones and go for bright ones such as pink and red.