
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tips On How To Slow Down Ageing Of Skin.

Wrinkled skin is a dread for almost everyone and it has no advantage (not one I've heard of). Ageing cannot be avoided but can be slowed down to give you a look younger than your actual age. Consider the following tips :

  • Be gentle with your skin :Whether you are cleaning your face,applying make up or oiling,avoid being too rough. Use a soft cloth to clean and mild soap. When oiling,avoid applying too much pressure especially at the eye area. Oiling using your ring finger instead of your palm is a simple way to avoid too much pulling of your skin.
  • Have enough sleep : Experts say that enough sleep is healthy for your skin. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily to relax your eyes and avoid eye strain during the day. Eye strain causes you to keep raising your brows and frowning once in a while which will result in a prominent and permanent wrinkle on your forehead when prolonged.
  • Sleep in the right posture :You should lie in bed on your back instead of burying your face into the pillow. The constant pulling of your skin as you turn your head accelerates loosening and wrinkling. If you are unable to sleep on your back, use a soft silk pillow to minimise pulling of skin.
  • Avoid substances that add toxins to your body : Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided at all costs if you mind an aged look.They cause a lot of free radicals in the body which speed up ageing. Smoking also causes the skin around your lips to get ageing lines which are unattractive.
  • Quit all your bad drinking habits : If you are thirsty,go for pure water and not soda or juice. Water should also be taken regularly during the day even when you are not thirsty for re-hydration. Soda has a lot of phosphates which accelerate ageing. Intake of other drinks with a lot of caffeine such as coffee and tea should also be regulated.
  • Watch your diet : Go low on fatty processed foods and high on natural grains, vegetables and fruits to increase on your vitamins. On top of that you can also take vitamin tablets if you don't have enough vitamins in your body.
  • Minimise your exposure to the sun : Sun causes you to keep squinting and dehydrates your skin which are great ways of adding wrinkles to your face. If you can't avoid the sun, always have you sunglasses and sunscreen with you. Large wraparound sunglasses that cover most of the eye area are the best to keep off glare that causes eye strain.
  • Go for natural skin products such as moisturisers and cleansers. That is a sure way of safety from any unsuitable chemicals.
  • Massage and exfoliate your skin regularly: Exfoliation removes dead cells and unclog your pores which gives you a fresher look. It also allows for growth of new cells.
  • Do enough exercise :Exercise crowns all your efforts by managing your weight and helping your body to relax. With enough exorcise (at least three times a week) you will eliminate all the excess fats and toxins that clog your skin.

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