
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Make Your Eyelashes Beautiful!

You can have wider open eyes at any time of the day irrespective of what time of the day it is when you perm your lashes.Eyelash perming does not however give you newly darker lashes nor longer ones .

Eyelashes are a very important thing in a woman's life and therefore demand that you maintain them in the best way possible to get that outstanding look on your face.Longer,darker lashes tend to make your eyes appear larger in proportion to your ears and nose which makes you look younger.
Longer eyelashes can also give a woman's face a more stereotypically feminine appearance because female features tend to be more contrasted than male features. Follow the tips below if you want to have better eyelashes than your current ones:

How To Make Your Lashes Appear longer with mascara .

When buying mascara look for packages reading "lash lengthening" like Loreal's Lash Out mascaralots .
  • When applying,touch only the tips of  your  top lashes with the mascara wand taking care to touch the lashes at the outer corner of you eyes.Skip your bottom lashes to avoid having spidery looking bottom lashes- they appear too dated
  • .Let the mascara dry. and check for any big mascara clumps on the tips of your lashes. If there are, you overdid it so just clean up the clump with an eyelash comb
  • Now apply mascara as usual to the entire length of your lashes. The tips of your lashes will have a little extra bulk making your eyes to pop.
  Using mascara serves only as a short term treat for your eyelashes and needs to be redone every morning.However,you can also make your lashes curl permanently for over a month by perming them.

Eyelash perming

   Eyelash perms typically last up to a month and a half although they have been claimed to last for as long as three months. As the permed lashes fall out and are replaced by straighter ones, the uplifted effect of an eyelash perm disappears which calls for another perming.

The actual process involves: 
  1. Lying down and closing your eyes as an aesthetician wraps your lashes around a thin roller. 
  2. Gauze is positioned on the under-eye area as a protective measure. A perming solution is then applied to your lashes and allowed to set.
  3. Other lotions and formulas may be brushed onto the lashes for neutralizing and conditioning purposes, leading the process to last anywhere between a half-hour to an hour.
 Caution About Eyelash Perming.
If you are  allergic to any ingredients in the solution used for eyelash perming or you simply do not want any potentially harmful chemicals near your eyes, stick with mascara and an eyelash curler.
Perming also can make your lashes weak and increase the rate of lash breakage and a  quicker rate of falling out.

   Side effects of the procedure  include stinging around the eyes. Even if this can be medicated away with the help of eye drops, the fact that you would have to do such a thing after a beauty treatment might help you rethink whether this is a risk you are willing to take.

Whether you want the mascara or the perm it's you choice as both of them give you the same result .Just be sure of what you are doing if you choose to perm to avoid regrets in the future.